Board of Directors

  • Nichole Barry

  • Joel Dunstan

  • Bryna Hazelton

  • Miguel Morales

  • Jonathan Pober

  • Ian Sullivan

Code & behavior standards

We are an open-source community that interacts and discusses issues via GitHub. We encourage collaborative development. New users are encouraged to submit issues and pull requests and to create branches for new development and exploration. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Please cite Sullivan et al 2012 and Barry et al 2019a when publishing data reduction from FHD.

FHD was built by Ian Sullivan and the University of Washington radio astronomy team. Maintainance is a group effort split across University of Washington, Brown University, and the University of New South Wales, with contributions from University of Melbourne and Arizona State University.

PyFHD is currently being created by Nichole Barry and Astronomy Data and Computing Services (ADACS) members Joel Dunstan, Paul Hancock, and Jack Line. ADACS is a collaboration between the University of Swinburne and Curtin Institute for Data Science (CIDS) located in Curtin University.

How to get involved

Please follow our FHD Github page, where all formal development and discussion occurs via issues and pull requests. All pull requests are reviewed prior to publishing changes. Current development on pyFHD is professional-only, but will open up to community development upon version 1.